Welcome to the only place where chicken-men run free.

"The death of the [Golden] is like a sword through our stillborn heart.
The crimson escaping from our veins.
Carpeting the damp muddy floor.
Saturating the ground with the blood of 13,548."

(Remous, 4:8-11)

In the words of Napoleon, "Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever."

And I thought I had made that up, but apparently some guy said the same thing hundreds of years ago.

I had once caught a glimpse of our past glories, but only for a second. That second had felt like a lifetime, but I had wasted it.

I had missed everything, and now I miss everything.

As Ivee once said, (In 2022, [Two years after The Great Purge])

"haha yes! Good old times"

Those times certainly were good, but Ivee still insists on hiding what really happened then.

I founded project a while ago, Project Solitude, named after that one stupid song that a certain "--" insists on adding to every old video he made, including a certain "Ivee Gift Meme Remix" that he insists he never made, but you can't hide from me, because I have diligence, something that he doesn't possess.

From the project's efforts, I had discovered a whole world, gutted and destroyed, and when I reassembled the pieces, I had discovered the greatest glories there.

Upon the recent failure, I have discovered the true way [it] will die.
The authors of history are destroying history themselves.
To give a man the [absolute] power to destroy his own work is my own hell.

(Further Notes on the Auream, 1:1-3)

But as we further weep,
We must prevail.
[Nothing] can stop our infinite march.
A march to glory.
A march for [REDACTED].
When thousands had failed before.
The [REDACTED] will be in our design.
Our name.
A new era has begun.
And those who condemn it will be left behind.

(Remous, 6:1-11)

Now, don't go knocking on my door about the redactions, I don't have to share everything with you, you greedy bastard, especially when I'm sharing excerpts from personal notes.

Here's some images of Ivee, just to keep you running in circles for your "imaginary bread"

Ivee on a proprietary platform (self depiction)

Ivee animated (created by DK)

Ivee holding a "green shape man" (self depiction)

The Red Tool turns to Mr. Yes, and menacingly cocks its head to the side.

"Don't go rooking around! I'm rearry Ivee!", slurs Mr. Yes, scanning the room for nearby pets to cop. Little does he know, Paul is already on his way.